If you are able to use one of our facts in a creative way, please submit it to us through email:
If you want to share a Fact with us, please complete the form below. Remember the following:
Keep the Fact brief.
Provide evidence (links to 3 reputable news sources) that support the Fact.
If you want credit for suggesting the Fact, check "yes" and include your name.
Include your email if you wish us to contact you if we have questions about your fact. If we use your Fact, we will not include your email in the Dispatch.
If you want to share a Shiny Object with us, please complete the form below. Remember the following:
Keep the Shiny Object brief.
Provide evidence (links to 3 reputable news sources) that show the use of the Shiny Object.
If you want credit for suggesting the Shiny Object, check "yes" and include your name.
Include your email if you wish us to contact you if we have questions about your Shiny Object.